Professional product labelling at ITM Poland Sp. z o.o.

Implementation objectives:

  • Improvement of warehouse operation
  • Implementation of product marking and identification using barcodes
  • Labelling carried out directly by cooperants, in accordance with ITM Poland standards

Advantages of the implementation:

Shortening the time of warehouse operation execution
Mistakes elimination
Uniform, legible labelling which does not leave any marks
Efficient identification of components received into the warehouse
Quick searching for items to be issued to the production

International Tobacco Machinery Poland Sp. z o.o. is a part of an international concern called ITM Group. The Polish branch of the concern is located in Radom and is a research and manufacturing centre. It deals primarily with designing, manufacturing, installing, and servicing machines and comprehensive processing lines, mostly for the tobacco industry. Its activities comprise also supplying spare parts.

From the very beginning of its operations in Poland, the company has opted for cooperation with local partners. Specialized subcontractors make components for individual machines for it (i.a. laser cut, machined, welded ones, etc.).

The constantly increasing amounts of details produced begeted the need of their professional labelling and efficient identification. This need also resulted from the fact that the elements ware not marked or ware marked manually (with a marker, tape with a description) so far. However, once the marking was removed, marks were often left on the surface of the elements, making it difficult, for example, to paint later. Another difficulty was the inability to find these items in the warehouse quickly and without errors. Therefore, ITM Poland decided to implement a system based on barcodes. This task was commissioned to the SKK S.A. company.

Jacek Lewandowski

Supply Chain Manager, ITM Poland
Thanks to the SKK solution, we have achieved a significant increase of productivity – first of all, a significant improvement of quality and efficiency of handling the items receivings into the warehouse and their issuings to the production.

The solution developed by SKK includes:

  • Intermec portable terminals
  • Datamax label printers
  • specially prepared application for label printing
  • specialised labels and ribbons for printers.

SKK specialists, having analysed the needs of ITM Poland, proposed specialised labels made of Removable Label White plastic. The material has icreased strength parameters and is resistant to many chemicals and weak acids. The labels manufactured by SKK are covered with entirely removable adhesive.

Printers with delivered application operate at ITM subcontractors. Cooperators mark ready details with specialised labels printed on the basis of data sent by ITM Poland, in accordance with the prepared template. Following the warehouse reception, the codes are read from the labels using portable terminals, thanks to which the completed elements are spaced in the warehouse fast and properly. Finding and identifying them is no longer a problem and the time of picking parts from the warehouse has been reduced significantly. When assembling machines, the labels are removed from the elements and no mark of them remains.

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ul. Gromadzka 54a, 30-719 Cracow, Poland
+48 12 293 27 00

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